Today is a day I never want to forget. After a long and stressful week, I thought I was looking forward to the massage I purchased on groupon....
While the massage felt great, I still felt stressed and tense. I think because I was dreading this birthday...and what this year will bring. Then you called and bribed me with my kryptonite... food. And like always You won. I got to your house where your kids accosted me with kisses, birthday cards and gifts. I love how Noey insisted on giving me his toys. What the heck am I going to do with a Spiderman gun, superman action figure, and despicable me figures??? The best was how mom lit up when I read her card. When I came in the house it felt like I went back in time to our childhood home and mom's restaurant. I saw mom's hair done and her nice outfit and it was amazing. I think I was tempted to pick her up and twirl her around. Being surrounded by the people I love most in the world, good smells, music and laughter was more relaxing than any massage. Even when it got awkward and we cried savoring the moment it was the best birthday I have ever had. Thank you sydibear for taking my fear and anxiety away. This is a night I will never forget, I love you.
While the massage felt great, I still felt stressed and tense. I think because I was dreading this birthday...and what this year will bring. Then you called and bribed me with my kryptonite... food. And like always You won. I got to your house where your kids accosted me with kisses, birthday cards and gifts. I love how Noey insisted on giving me his toys. What the heck am I going to do with a Spiderman gun, superman action figure, and despicable me figures??? The best was how mom lit up when I read her card. When I came in the house it felt like I went back in time to our childhood home and mom's restaurant. I saw mom's hair done and her nice outfit and it was amazing. I think I was tempted to pick her up and twirl her around. Being surrounded by the people I love most in the world, good smells, music and laughter was more relaxing than any massage. Even when it got awkward and we cried savoring the moment it was the best birthday I have ever had. Thank you sydibear for taking my fear and anxiety away. This is a night I will never forget, I love you.
Connie, I can't believe 26 years ago today you came into this world and changed my whole life. The day mom brought you home it was like you were my own little doll that cried, needed to be fed and played with all at the same time. Mom would always tell me "When I'm not here your her second mommy so take good care of her." I guess it just stuck and even though I'm only 10 years
4 months older then you :-p. You'll always be that little doll, mom brought home.
I'm so glad we had last night and it meant as much to you as it did to us even though we didn't go big like we usually do it was a night I won't soon forget. Love you more then life. I win!

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