Saturday, July 6, 2013

You've got the Big C :-(Now what?

What do you do when you find out you or someone you love is dying?

Well let's see......

Google "Cancer"
Think why me?
Cry some more
Think about the life insurance you never bought because you thought you'd live forever.
Think about the organs you planned on never donating to science.
Decide, what's less expensive cremation or burial? {and if your my mother, go to the funeral home and negotiate your own funeral.
Don't forget to laugh followed by some more crying 
Decide who you'd like at your funeral
Get mad at the world 
Stop smoking!!! that stuff will kill ya
Lose your faith 
Google "cancer survivors"
Get hopeful
Find your faith again
Put god on speed dial
Fight for your life
Make amends with loved ones
Cry some more
Make memories
Try not to cry about the time you have left
Enjoy every minute
Accept the inevitable
Start smoking again because in the words of my mom " I'm dying anyways, right"?
Laugh about good times B.C 
{ before cancer }
Make everyone promise to love each other and keep Sunday dinners alive after your gone.
Never leave the house or go to sleep without saying "I Love you" like it's the last time.
Buy life insurance that makes you promise to stay alive at least two years.
Hey, It gives you a goal.
Find a group of Cancer warriors & caregivers who lend their support & knowledge
Don't hold back, speak your mind and don't forget to cry.
Most importantly remember to live life to its fullest and because tomorrow's not promised.....Make sure you leave nothing  unsaid. It's not the things we did that we end up regretting but the things we didn't do that tend to disappoint us.

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