Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chemo mishap~perhaps~Incompetence definitely!


April 16, 2014


As most of you may know my mom has chemo every other Monday she gets a 46 hr infusion of 5fu.

From the minute they hook her up she starts counting down the minutes until they disconnect her, because carrying that bag on her tiny frame is super exhausting for her.

So imagine her dismay when the home nurse arrives to disconnect her only to find out the infusion nurse never turned it on.

So here's tip #101 

When dealing with people who are only human and slightly incompetent at times.

Always check your chemo bag before you leave the hospital to make sure it's actually been turned on and then check it every few hours to make sure it's still running. 

Then when your home health nurse arrives and tells you she can't wait on the hospital to call back to let her know what protocol she's supposed to follow in this situation because she has other patients to visit .

And suggests to you that you just continue to wear the pump that's not even turned on until tomorrow night when she can get back.

Make sure after you strangle her that you dispose of her body properly ;-)

Just kidding folks she's still alive and kicking, possibly a patient, but alive nevertheless.

So we ended up disconnecting mom and will get chemo hooked up yet again this Monday which will throw us off a week, but at least it's not 2.

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