Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sooner then Later....


The last time we met with the oncologist my sister asked her if realistically we could afford to wait till spring to have her commitment ceremony. 
The Oncologist told her that in her professional opinion sooner was better then later.  So here we are planning a ceremony in less then 6 weeks now, just to make sure our mom has a chance to be a part of it and Connie has those memories to look back on. 
As if that weren't enough she's supposed to be closing on they're very first house 2 days before the ceremony.
Mom has had a few good days here and there and it's been nice seeing her have something to look forward to, like making the keepsakes or tasting food even though she doesn't have room for lots.  
Our mother has come a long way in the past year accepting what is to come. Now when I say this, I don't mean only in "death" I mean in "life".
So for those of you who don't know the backstory behind what I'm talking about, here it goes.. 
I should preface this by saying some may read this and with hate in their hearts judge. I want you to know I'm not writing this for those people. 
 I'm writing this to remind those who can see past the hate and forward into love that we have come such a long way in life.
 Many years ago we never imagined a man would walk on the moon, Interracial marriages would be legal, same sex couples would have legal rights, marijuana would become legal, an African American would become the president of the United States or a woman would have the opportunity to run for president herself. 
Yet here we are, everyday life is changing with or without us and you can either move forward with the times or be left behind.  
Ten years ago my younger sister fell in love with someone who would turn out to be such an intricate part of our lives. Someone who would be there for everything that is important from births, illnesses, divorce, to deaths and everything in between. 
  This person coincidently happens to be another woman, who's a human being first and foremost.  When our mother first found out, coming from a middle eastern culture, her religious upbringing would not allow her to accept this relationship. 
But in my mom's words "it's funny how knowing your dying can bring a whole new perspective to the table." 
What used to be important just isn't anymore.
  The reality is we can't control who we fall in love with or the reasons we do. Since Bet's joined our family she has made my sister happier then I've ever seen her. 
 She's been a shoulder to cry on, a source of encouragement, and always there at the drop of a pin.  She's watched all of my children be born, shared every holiday and Sunday dinner with us and I can honestly say I couldn't be happier to welcome her into our family. 
Since the day my sister came out I'd like to think I've been their biggest advocate and protector.
Mind you it took my mom a lot longer to get there but she finally did and I'm very proud of her.
If being a mother has taught me anything, it's that the love we feel for our children should always be unconditional,reciprocated and undying.
A few weeks ago, one morning while on her way to work, Connie called to check in on mom like she does every single morning.  
I was in the middle of hanging a bag of saline when out of nowhere my mom asked Connie, "Why don't the two of you just make it official, already?"
Without seeing my sisters face I could already imagine the look on it. I almost dropped the bag I was holding as I quietly turned to stare at mom to see if she was being sarcastic.
I could hear Connie telling her "Cindy put you up to this didn't she"? As much as I would have liked to take the credit for this, it was all her. 
She said she'd spent the whole night thinking about how much time she'd lost sharing in their happiness while fighting about it and realized all she's ever really wanted for her children is our happiness regardless of who we choose to spend the rest of our lives with. 
So I wondered to myself, "Did mom read "My Numbers"?
And then thought;
Isn't it funny how just one 10 minute conversation on your way to work could turn your numbers & life right around?":-) 

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