Friday, November 1, 2013

Just Yesterday.....


October 25th, 2013

As I sat next to my husband in his suit and tie, who I hadn't seen in almost a week, while I myself wore yoga pants and a old knit sweater feeling way too comfortable . We sat in front of our daughter's classroom in silence waiting to have our parent/teacher conference. Exhausted from the chain of the past weeks's events. In the past week my father in law had gone through open heart surgery 3600 miles away, while mom had been hospitalized with a colon infection. Luckily family and friends rushed to chip in to help us take care of our kids and home while he was working and I was in the hospital with her. We sat waiting for what seemed like forever, like the sleep deprived parents you see in the movies, too tired to even speak to even each other. When the 3rd and final teacher finally called us in we sat down expecting her to tell us what every teacher in the past has always told us about our oldest daughter. 
Starting with her pre-k teacher when she was 3, saying that just like her grandmother she likes to always be in charge and is always the social butterfly of every class.
As her teacher talked about core values, I sat there reminiscing to almost 7 years ago remembering when they were in 
pre-school, Con was 4 and Vic's was 3 and we were sitting in two little chairs just like we were now talking to their teacher. She began "Con seems to doubt himself when it comes to making an independent decision and looks to his sister for insight as to what to do next. "Where Vic is the complete opposite and will not only tell you what your doing wrong. But will also lend herself to give her classmates and myself unsolicited advice as to how to correct it." 
I remember not begin able to help but laugh, thinking to myself that's Vic being just like mom. Unlike, her teacher who didn't find it quite so endearing or amusing. 
Flash forward to the future, her 4th grade teacher began telling us how of all of her students, our daughter in particular really stood out as someone who was wiser beyond her years. Always helpful, charismatic and intune towards what others are feeling. She took the time to share with us a comment our daughter had made recently while her class was discussing the subject of inequality. 
Vic had said " It doesn't matter what color you are purple, green or yellow or who you choose to love, were all human beings with feelings and that's all that matters.
Her straight A report card made me proud, but knowing that my daughter lives her life being the best,most loving human being we've raised her to be, makes me even prouder....

October 28th,2013

It's so hard to believe today, my beautiful son turned 11. Since my children were born, unlike other families we've never really had traditional birthday parties. Except for maybe one or two where we invited our children's friends over when they were very small.  Instead over the years we've chosen to take a different route, giving them 3 wishes on each of their day's which is our way of making their day only about them and not catering to others. This year with mom being in the hospital all week and me not being home I worried it would put a damper on my son's day.  For the past few weeks he had been writing and revising his list, changing it from day to day.  It started with for the first year ever, him wanting to have a laser tag party with 6 of his friends.  Which Connie and Bet's had so graciously volunteered to do. But as he noticed mom feeling worse and worse over the weeks he slowly changed his list changing his first wish to all of us just being able to be together that day. His second wish was a huge chocolate cake and his third wish was every Swap Land Skylander figure made, to add to his growing collection. 
I on the other hand was just hoping mom would be well enough to be discharged by his birthday, and luckily she was yesterday. So we went ahead and made sure to get all of Con's wishes x'd off his list and spent the night eating and laughing, as if though nothing was at all different this year and for few hours even I believed it. Mom found the strength to sit at the table with us and even ate two pieces of chocolate cake, thank god for Marinol..

October 29th,2013

So after being released this past Sunday she's still not eating very much, but then again she's been sleeping a lot. They put her on a chemo break until mid November to give her some time to heal. This morning we're seeing her oncologist for a follow up visit. Hoping she has the energy to get up and go..

October 30th,2013

So we made it to the visit this morning and chemo got pushed till after thanksgiving. In the mean time she came back home and has been sleeping all day. Thank god for family and friends who are all too willing to visit and help and keep her entertained.

October 31st, 2013

She finally made it out of bed today for a few hours. Long enough to sit with all of us tasting sweets and making keepsakes for the big day.  Telling old stories and joking while we all sat together was so nice. Quite honestly I never thought I'd see and was so happy to be a part of. I know you all get tired of my always taking pictures, but I promise you one day you'll thank me.

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