Monday, April 14, 2014

Road before us~


April 14, 2014


Over a year ago I made the decision to stop working to stay home and take care of my newborn and mom because she was told she only had 3-6 months to live. 

Well here we are,16 months later and she's still kicking cancer's butt and having chemo #28 today.

So with her blessing, I've decided to go back to work and get some normalcy back in my life. 

I'm not going to lie it's a scary feeling going back, but for once in a very long time everything seems to be falling right back into place. 

Was worried wondering if I was making the right decision leaving her alone with the kids.

Then just like that I got a call from work saying they had a new shift that had opened up..

3 days a week, overnight and two of those days are my husband's days off and the other is the day nana spends the night with us. 

It's ideal, they'll never be alone or miss me because they'll all be sleeping:-)

Someone out there is definitely looking out for us and I am feeling blessed and a bit of serenity which Is always a welcome feeling;-) 

Here's hoping the good days always outweigh the bad..

Xoxo To every single one of you fighting the fight whether warrior or caregiver, here or beyond, just beginning or saying goodbye. We are all blessed to have found each other, and as I listen to the birds chirp and smell the just cut grass and realize we've made it another day, I'm just so glad know one has to travel this journey alone because someone's already traveled the road before us.

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