Thursday, November 21, 2013

Changing back~


It's been a week since the wedding and mom has barely gotten out of bed or eaten anything for that matter. She's been throwing up almost everything she eats and has lost her appetite even though she's still taking Marinol 3x a day. She had decided to go back to her original oncologist for fear that having changed hospitals is why she's feeling horrible. I've tried explaining to her that she's still receiving the same regimen except now the nausea and steroid medicine that used to be push are now oral. But she thinks the new facility may be doing something differently and that's the reason she's feeling and getting worse. I feel like no matter what I say to her these days it's getting harder and harder to convince her so I've already contacted the original Oncologist and we'll be returning to her care next week. Along with everything else that's going on her picc line has been giving her problems so giving hydration is taking longer then usual. Between that and her not being able to move her bowels in the past few days she's been in a lot of pain and experiencing a lot of anxiety. Hoping once chemo resumes next week these issues will begin to resolves themselves and she'll get some relief. I haven't updated her weight recently because we haven't weighed her so she isn't worried about that too, but I'm afraid she's lost probably another 10 lbs since her last weigh in. We'll see at her next visit..

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